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Version: 2.0.2

CLI - Get Started

CLI is for data scientist or software engineers to trigger a simulation run via bash, there's also an SDK which could possibly suit your use-case better. Make sure to check it out here.


# Authenticate to gcloud
gcloud auth application-default login

# Set the default project to almanak-production
gcloud config set project almanak-production

We do not support Conda environments, these will cause random and unexplainable behavior. Please use poetry for most projects and tools like pyenv can help a lot with managing your python environment.


Add this to ~/.pypirc

index-servers =


Make sure this is in the pip.conf file of which the location you can fine here. (If the file is in the wrong location it won't work, for me it's ~/.config/pip/pip.conf )

extra-index-url =

If this is set you can do

#install the google artifact keyring
pip install
# install the simcli
pip install simcli

Commands for simcli

Instead of typing out all the options here, considerable effort has been made to make the documentation of the CLI extensive via the --help command. Please refer to that to create simulations, it should be fairly straight forward. To get inspiration of how it works please look at the Get Started page.

For detailed reference please look here.