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When building the configuration for a simulation you need to specify the source for each of the supported classes in the configuration for it to be loaded into the simulator. There are currently 2 supported ways of specifying the source of one of these classes.

Local files

You can specify the source as a local file by using the file:// prefix, and appending a path from the base directory of the configuration.yaml. Please note that only files in the same directory or sub directories can be used, not files from parent directories as these won't be uploaded.

Please note that you need to specify the directory of the class and not a file inside of it. See the example below.

source: file://agent/simple_borrow_agent/


The simulator supports the library system (the documentation for that system is out of scope for the simulator itself). Instead of specifying a source as a file you can use the library:// prefix with the name of the library item and optionally a specific version to have the simulator load that library item directly.

If you don't specify a version for the library item it will use the latest item.

# version specified
source: library://very-cool-agent:v1.0.2
# no version specified
source: library://very-cool-agent