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Version: 2.0.1

montecarlo create

Create a montecarlo simulation. It uses the configuration YAML file in the
current directory by default (or the path specified by --path).
It uses the run specification to create multiple simulations, each with
updated values from the run specifications.


Usage: simcli montecarlo create [OPTIONS]


  • staging:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --staging

    Use Staging Area For Testing

  • run_specifications:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --run-specifications

    Passing in replacements for existing fields (only use this if no run_specification.json is available in the path) in the configuration YAML as json as an array (e.g. --run-specifications [{"block": 18288387, "steps": 312, "prices": "gs://almanak-production-platform/v1-79b5bd7c62293ddb3c6d6d5fc72d8e99da1758c26a95eefff480971b68cdf8ac/result.json"}]). Any parameter passed in using --run-specifications will override the JSON parameter.

  • already_uploaded:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --already-uploaded

    The files for the simulation have already been uploaded. When specifying this, you also need to specify the montecarlo_id.

  • montecarlo_id:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --montecarlo-id

    Provide a montecarlo id to be used. If not provided, the CLI will create a montecarlo id.

  • path:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: .
    • Usage: --path

    Specify the path where the configuration is located, if not the current directory.

  • flag:

    • Type: <click.types.Tuple object at 0x7f363f9edd90>
    • Default: []
    • Usage: --flag

    Flags are used to change the behavior of the simulator. Expects the name and value separated by a space. (e.g. --flag metricEndpoint KAFKA). Can be used many times by calling --flag again and again.

  • max_attempts:

    • Type: INT
    • Default: 1
    • Usage: --max-attempts

    The maximum number of attempts to try to create a simulation. Defaults to 1.

  • priority:

    • Type: INT
    • Default: 0
    • Usage: --priority

    The priority of the simulation. Defaults to 0.

  • help:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --help

    Show this message and exit.

CLI Help

Usage: simcli montecarlo create [OPTIONS]

Create a montecarlo simulation. It uses the configuration YAML file in the
current directory by default (or the path specified by --path). It uses the
run specification to create multiple simulations, each with updated values
from the run specifications.

--staging Use Staging Area For Testing
--run-specifications TEXT Passing in replacements for existing fields (only
use this if no `run_specification.json` is
available in the path) in the configuration YAML
as json as an array (e.g. --run-specifications
[{"block": 18288387, "steps": 312, "prices":
8ac/result.json"}]). Any parameter passed in
using --run-specifications will override the JSON
--already-uploaded The files for the simulation have already been
uploaded. When specifying this, you also need to
specify the `montecarlo_id`.
--montecarlo-id TEXT Provide a montecarlo id to be used. If not
provided, the CLI will create a montecarlo id.
--path TEXT Specify the path where the configuration is
located, if not the current directory.
--flag <TEXT TEXT>... Flags are used to change the behavior of the
simulator. Expects the name and value separated
by a space. (e.g. --flag metricEndpoint KAFKA).
Can be used many times by calling --flag again
and again.
--max-attempts INTEGER The maximum number of attempts to try to create a
simulation. Defaults to 1.
--priority INTEGER The priority of the simulation. Defaults to 0.
--help Show this message and exit.