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Version: 2.0.1


Models is a mapping for Machine Learning models that need to be imported together with the configuration to run inference sessions using ONNX and make predictions for the agents. The agent class and agent instance configurations will then reference these models by their alias to be invoked for each step.

Weights & Biases

The models are downloaded from Weight & Biases. To do this you must publish the models as a Weights and Biases Artifact. Once you've done that you can specify the WanDB Artifact name.


Models are wrapped in a ModelHelperInterface which is made available to the Strategy as a list which you can use to find the model you want to call and using the functions that are made available through the interface.

The input and output will have to follow the format that was defined when wrapping the model in an ONNX model. Refer to their documentation to see how that works.


- alias: "trading_prediction"
source: "wandb://almanak/model-registry/Uniswap_Trader_Trend-Following:latest"
- alias: "bancor_lp_action"
source: "wandb://almanak/uncategorized/action_user.onnx:latest"