Running on Staging
Install CLI
To install the simcli from the staging artifacts please follow the steps below:
# Create a Google Cloud Auth configuration for staging
gcloud config configurations create almanak-staging --activate
gcloud auth application-default login
gcloud config set project starry-agency-339312
gcloud config set compute/region europe-west4
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west4-a
gcloud config set artifacts/repository almanak-py
gcloud config set artifacts/location europe-west4
# If you have an virtualenv active right now please deactivate.
# Uninstall the Simulations SDK
pip uninstall almanak-simulations-sdk
# Uninstall the Simcli
pip uninstall simcli
# (re-)install simcli
pip install --extra-index-url simcli==0.0.0
This will install the current staging environment simcli. This is good for testing but might cause issues in the future, so please remember to uninstall it when doing production work.
Create a new project
Generate a new project that you can run from local. Please note that if you're
using an existing project that you have to set your simulatorVersion
in your
to 0.0.0
simcli generate
Compile the configuration file
simcli compile .
Create a simulation
simcli single create --staging