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Version: 1.5.0



def create(staging: bool = False,
parameters: object | None = [],
gcs_link: str | None = None,
sim_id: str | None = None,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
path: str = ".",
flags: dict = {},
max_attempts: int = 1,
montecarlo_id: str | None = None) -> str

Creates a simulation using the specified parameters.


  • staging bool, optional - Staging flag to use the staging environment instead of the default production environment. Defaults to False.
  • parameters object | None, optional - Overwrite parameters set in the configuration of the simulation. Defaults to {}.
  • gcs_link str | None, optional - Instead of using a local configuration file you can provide a GCS URI to one which can be used instead. Defaults to None.
  • sim_id str | None, optional - Provide a sim id, has to be a UUIDv4 format starting with a lowercase letter. Defaults to None.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • path str, optional - The path where the configuration file is located. Defaults to ".". Supports relative and absolute paths.
  • flags dict, optional - Flags to be passed to the simulation. Defaults to {}.
  • max_attempts int, optional - The maximum number of attempts to run the simulation. Defaults to 1.
  • montecarlo_id str, optional - The id that connects this simulation to a montecarlo simulation. Defaults to None.


  • ValueError - The project ID is not set to the product or staging project ID
  • ValueError - The project ID is not set to the product or staging project ID
  • parameters1 - The configuration.yaml.dist file was not found.
  • parameters1 - The validation.json file was not found.
  • parameters3 - Validation error
  • parameters3 - Failed to parse GCS link
  • parameters3 - GCs file doesn't exist
  • parameters6 - The parameter name was not found in the configuration.yaml.dist
  • parameters6 - The parameter name was not found in the configuration.yaml.dist
  • parameters8 - Something went wrong while generating IDs, no new ones were found.
  • ValueError - The sim_id input does not conform to the required UUID4 format. Also, the first character must be a lower case letter.
  • gcs_link0 - Storage blob in gcs already exists with this sim_id
  • parameters3 - Validation error


  • gcs_link2 - The ID of the simulation that was created.


def create_montecarlo(run_specifications: list[object] | None = None,
run_specifications_gcs_link: str | None = None,
staging: bool = False,
gcs_link: str | None = None,
montecarlo_id: str | None = None,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
path: str = ".",
flags: dict = {},
max_attempts: int = 2) -> str

Creates a montecarlo simulation using the specified parameters.


  • run_specifications list, optional - Overwrite value set in the configuration, for every object a simulation will be made. Only specify this if you don't already have a run_specification.json file. Defaults to [].
  • run_specifications_gcs_link str, optional - Instead of using a local run_specifications.json file you can provide a GCS URI to one which can be used instead. Defaults to None.
  • staging bool, optional - Staging flag to use the staging environment instead of the default production environment. Defaults to False.
  • gcs_link str | None, optional - Instead of using a local configuration.yaml.dist you can provide a GCS URI to one which can be used instead. Defaults to None.
  • sim_id str | None, optional - Provide a montecarlo id, has to be UUIDv4 format. Defaults to None, will generate random and return.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • path str, optional - The path where the configuration.yaml.dist is located. Defaults to ".". Supports relative and absolute paths.
  • flags dict, optional - Flags to be passed to the simulation. Defaults to {}.
  • run_specification.json0 int, optional - The maximum number of attempts to run the underlying simulations. Defaults to 1.


  • run_specification.json1 - description


def kill(simulation_type: SimulationType,
sim_id: str,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
staging: bool = False,
kill_reason: str = '') -> bool

Delete a simulation with the specified ID.


  • simulation_type(SimulationType) - The type of simulation to get (RUN, SINGLE, MONTECARLO, OPTIMIZATION)
  • sim_id str - UUID of the simulation
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - Defaults to print.
  • staging bool, optional - Whether to use the staging environment or not. Defaults to False.
  • kill_reason str, optional - String to give to the GCP delete job for logs. Defaults to ''.


def get(
simulation_type: SimulationType,
document_id: str,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
staging: bool = False
) -> SimulationGetResult | SimulationRunGetResult | MonteCarloGetResult | None

Retrieve information about a simulation with the specified ID.


  • simulation_type(SimulationType) - The type of simulation to get (RUN, SINGLE, MONTECARLO, OPTIMIZATION)
  • document_id str - The ID of the simulation to get.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • staging bool, optional - Whether to use the staging environment or not. Defaults to False.


  • ValueError - The project ID is not set to the product or staging project ID
  • exceptions.NotFound - The simulation wasn't found


SimulationGetResult | SimulationRunGetResult | MonteCarloGetResult | None: The relative simulation result object.


def result(simulation_type: SimulationType,
id: str,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
staging: bool = False) -> str | None

Gets the result of the simulation with the specified ID.


  • simulation_type(SimulationType) - The type of simulation to get the result of (RUN, SINGLE, MONTECARLO, OPTIMIZATION)
  • id str - The ID of the simulation to get the result of.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • staging bool, optional - Whether to use the staging environment or not. Defaults to False.


  • ValueError - The project ID is not set to the product or staging project ID
  • exceptions.NotFound - The simulation wasn't found


  • str - The result of the simulation.
  • None - If the simulation hasn't finished yet or didn't report a result.


def logs(simulation_type: SimulationType,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
staging: bool = False) -> Iterator[str]

Gets the logs of the simulation run with the specified ID.


  • simulation_id type - The ID of the simulation run to get the logs of.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • staging bool, optional - Whether to use the staging environment or not. Defaults to False.


  • ValueError - description


def compile(folder: str, logger: Callable[[str], None] = print) -> None

Compiles the configuration.yaml file into a single file that can be uploaded to the simulator.


  • folder str - The directory of the folder
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.


def get_metrics(simulation_type: SimulationType,
simulation_id: str,
logger: Callable[[str], None] = print,
staging: bool = False) -> list[object]

Gets the metrics of the simulation with the specified ID.


  • simulation_type(SimulationType) - The type of simulation to get the metrics of (RUN, SINGLE, MONTECARLO, OPTIMIZATION)
  • simulation_id str - The ID of the simulation to get the metrics of.
  • logger Callable[[str], None], optional - The logger will determine how all information from the sdk is logged. This has to be a function. Defaults to print.
  • staging bool, optional - Whether to use the staging environment or not. Defaults to False.